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Cases Promoting Social Change

Thakur Law Firm is committed to championing cases that challenge the status quo and advocate for social change. Our law firm in Orange County focuses on representing clients whose voices have historically been marginalized or unheard within the legal system. We believe in the power of advocacy to not only seek justice for individuals but to also spark broader societal transformations that impact families, communities, and entire populations.


Advocating for the Voiceless

Our mission extends beyond individual case resolution; we aim to create a meaningful shift in the way our legal system addresses issues of injustice. We represent plaintiffs who have suffered due to the actions of powerful entities, whether they be corporations, governmental bodies, or other institutions. By holding these actors accountable, we seek to reform the customs and practices that have traditionally benefited the few at the expense of the well-being of many.


Shaping Public Awareness

We recognize that bringing attention to social injustices is a critical component of our work. As a renowned law firm in Orange County, our team is dedicated to shaping public awareness surrounding the issues our clients face. We believe that by highlighting these stories, we can engage the community in meaningful discussions that foster understanding and inspire action. Each case we take on serves as an opportunity to advocate for those who have been unfairly treated and to educate the public about the underlying issues that necessitate change.


Media Engagement

We welcome the attention our cases have attracted in the media, not for strategic advantages in our litigation matters, but to amplify the important messages embodied in our clients' personal stories. Through media coverage, we aim to connect with a broader audience, illuminating the struggles faced by individuals and communities in our society. 


Here are a few of the journalistic pieces that have garnered national attention following our advocacy efforts:


LA Times - Three former UCLA football players sue school and coach Jim Mora over alleged mishandling of injuries


ESPN - Ex-players sue UCLA for alleged negligence


US News - 3 Ex-UCLA Football Players Sue School Over Injuries


Yahoo News - 3 ex-UCLA football players sue school over injuries




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